The evolution of agriculture in Volyn in the age of copper and bronze

  • Yaroslav Syabala
Keywords: Volyn, copper age, bronze age archaeological culture, tools, agriculture, animal husbandry


This article analyzes the main trends and trends in agricultural production in Volyn in the age of copper and bronze. Main attention is paid to the characteristics of ancient farming population of the region based on the analysis of archaeological cultures outlined period: trypil's'koyi, lendel's'koyi, volyno-lyublins'koyi, liychastoho posudu and others. Traces the evolution of agricultural implements and tillage methods, especially the development of the livestock industry, changes in social relations.


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How to Cite
Syabala, Y. (2017). The evolution of agriculture in Volyn in the age of copper and bronze. Litopys Volyni, (18), 15-20. Retrieved from