In today’s world of rapid technological development, information is becoming one of the most powerful components of political struggle. Information operations technologies, which include the use of media, social networks and digital platforms to influence public opinion and political processes, are playing an increasingly important role. Information operations cover a wide range of activities, from spreading propaganda and disinformation to conducting psychological warfare, and are used by both state and non-state actors. The purpose of such operations is to shape a certain political order, influence voters’ decisions and political outcomes, which is why this study is relevant. This article examines the key aspects of the use of information operations technologies in political practice, their impact on democratic processes and mechanisms for disseminating political narratives through digital channels. Particular attention is paid to methods of detecting and counteracting such operations, as well as assessing the effectiveness of existing regulatory measures to protect the information space. The authors analyze the impact of social media, artificial intelligence algorithms, and big data on the spread of information operations used to manipulate electoral processes, undermine political stability, and shape and support political narratives. The article also focuses on how information operations affect democratic processes, causing distrust of traditional media, government institutions and political processes, which can lead to political radicalization and polarization of society. The article analyzes the role of states and international organizations in countering such threats, including ways to improve information security and develop strategies to combat disinformation. The conclusions emphasize the need to strengthen regulation and develop ethical standards for the use of information technology in the political sphere, as well as the importance of developing media literacy as a means of protecting citizens from manipulative influence.
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