The scientific research states that today we are witnessing a change in global economic and political cycles. It was established that the specified processes are tied to the struggle for dominance in the digital economy. It is emphasized that today the economic primacy of a certain state is not related to the availability of material resources, but depends on the possibilities in the production of information products. An example is given that the consumption of digital goods and services has become an integral, and perhaps the leading component of human life. Attention was drawn to the fact that the “by-product” of the above was the expansion of the influence of informational aggression on various categories of citizens and society in general. It is noted that on the basis of new communication opportunities, experts have developed a number of techniques of information aggression, among which should be mentioned: introduction of rumors, provocation, disinformation, psychological pressure, diversification of public opinion, creation of mosaic content and reflexive management. The article reveals that modern technologies have made it possible to influence deeper components of social consciousness. It is noted that G. Pocheptsov details the specified problem, defining actions aimed at changing the mentality of the nation not by informational but semantic warfare. This researcher’s position is given that the ordinary war extends to the physical space, the informational war to the informational space, and the semantic war occupies the virtual space, influencing the cognitive sphere of the person. It was established that the type of information war is cyber war, or information-technical war. It is emphasized that the semantic war is much more long-term and is not aimed at creating facts, but at changing their interpretations in order to push the opponent to make the decision needed by the attacking party. It was concluded that today the strategy of information aggression directed not at the manipulation of facts, but at the psychological mechanisms of information perception. The task is to further investigate the techniques of spreading manipulative messages using various types of information sources.
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