Today in international relations there is one of the longest regional conflicts stretched over time, which began immediately after the end of the Second World War and continues to the present day – the Middle East conflict. This longrunning international conflict is based on the appearance of the State of Israel on the political map of the Middle East. After the Second World War, the region studied in this article became the center of a sharp confrontation between not only Arab countries and Israel, but also the United States of America and the USSR. Thanks to the reconciliation between Israel and Egypt after the Yom Kippur War, the United States has secured the status of a decisive political and diplomatic player in the Middle East and provided the latter with broad prospects for expanding and strengthening its position in the region, turning the United States into a stabilizing force in the Middle East. However, even with the signing of the Camp David Accords, many problems in the region remained unresolved. For example, the State of Israel has not managed to overcome the psychological barrier to cultural and social cooperation with Egypt. Egypt and Israel failed to agree on the trial of war criminals. The practical experience gained by Israel in conflicts and political confrontation with the Arab world is extremely valuable to study and relevant for Ukraine in the context of the ongoing war with the Russian Federation, as is the practice of seeking allies and the peace negotiation process. Israeli confrontation practices can be adapted to Ukrainian realities. That is why the proposed article is intended to analyze the peace negotiation process and its consequences for the international political situation from various aspects. Despite the temporal distance from the present of the historical period under study, the experience that the State of Israel has in its arsenal today remains relevant both for Israel and Ukraine. After all, constant coexistence with enemy neighbors, strengthening and improving state security, rebuilding/developing infrastructure, and establishing psychological and moral resilience of society in the face of war and enemy propaganda are unchangeable crucial components for a country in a state of war or military threat.
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