The author of the article pursues the idea of formation in Ukraine during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war of a specific culture of donations, which is a consequence of the large-scale commitment of citizens to volunteer initiatives in the form of charitable financial contributions. The culture of donations is defined as a systematic and motivated activity of Ukrainians with the aim of providing voluntary material assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to various categories of the population affected by the war, and for other needs related to overcoming the negative impact of the actions of the aggressor country. The components of the donation culture are as follows: society's awareness of the need for donations; organization of meetings (selection of the audience, selection of a platform for development of awareness, selection of the method of collecting donations, reporting); donations proper. Forms of collecting donations are defined: traditional collecting, story-telling collecting, mini-collections as part of a large collecting, events with entrance fee, sale of goods, including at auctions, donations for services, etc. It is shown that in order to encourage more people to make financial donations, organisation of creative meetings is becoming customary. Initiatives that explain the importance of small donations are considered. The psychological reason for the rise of charitable assistance is explained, which consists in the individual's feeling of involvement in an important cause. The reasons for the decrease in its level are described, including: deterioration of the material condition of people during the war; corruption in the state; distrust of volunteer organizers of collecting; war-weariness, which is a consequence of its duration and unsatisfied expectations for quick positive changes. The phenomenon of volunteering and the culture of donations are conceived through the lens of social activism and patriotism. The article, based on the results of sociological research, shows the pattern of growing interest in politics during the war and reveals society's perception of volunteering as an important sign of patriotism. It is emphasized that the developed culture of donations confirms the existence of a formed civil society in Ukraine, capable of solving urgent problems independently, through self-organization, outside of state authorities.
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