Keywords: security, danger, state of security, state security, national security.


The article is devoted to the historical aspects of the formation of the concepts of “security”, “state security” and «national security» and their significance for Ukraine. The intelligence and subversive, terrorist and hybrid military activities of the Russian Federation against Ukraine impose, in accordance with the current legislation, the task of ensuring the foreign policy and national security of the State in the most effective way on the SSU and intelligence agencies of Ukraine. It should be noted that the issue of security has been in the focus of attention of many scholars – historians, lawyers, philosophers, as well as politicians, government officials and the military – for hundreds and thousands of years. According to the current legislation, the Security Service of Ukraine and the intelligence agencies of Ukraine are tasked with ensuring the foreign policy and national security of the state in the most effective way. Fear of threats to one’s own security makes a person live in society and seek collective protection from these threats, and therefore, according to many scholars, security is the provision of all citizens of the State with appropriate conditions for their self-realisation, protection of their life, freedom, property from encroachments by any individual, organization, society or the State. The article examines the methodology and genesis of the formation of the concepts of “security”, “state security” and “national security” in Ukraine, as well as formulates the author’s own definitions of a number of scientific concepts – “security of the country”, “personal security”, “state security”, “ensuring national security”, etc. It is proved that it is politics that determines the conditions of existence of a person, family, country and the entire earthly civilization taken separately or in a community. Despite the enormous diversity of political situations in different countries and regions, the vast majority of domestic, regional and international processes have a similar nature and models of development (cooperation or conflicts, integration or disintegration, confrontation or compromise, etc.). The complex nature of solving the problems of ensuring national security and security of foreign policy dictates the need for a deep scientific study of the security phenomenon. The results of such work should become the basis for further improvement of the laws of Ukraine, departmental political and legal acts and the development of effective practical instructions and recommendations.


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