Based on literature, periodicals, archival sources, and published documents, the transformation of personal relationships in Ukraine due to the spread of whistleblowing in the 1920s and 1930s is considered. The statement that personal relationships of members of the ruling party were distorted first under the pressure of whistleblowing is substantiated. The party became the basis of the whistleblowing network. The idea of whistleblowing as an important and vitally necessary phenomenon took deep root in the party that could not but affect mutual relationships of its members. Encouraging whistleblowing in the party, its leaders persistently spread this phenomenon in society as well. Distrust and suspicion began to dominate personal communication. Anyone could turn out to be a secret officer (an informer) and damage the interlocutor’s life. The author notes that mistrust in relationships in society was also caused by methods of provocation used by punitive authorities. The provocateur was able to start a conversation with a stranger and express certain “anti-Soviet” views. The interlocutor could agree with such views and as a result, ended up in the Gulag camps. Therefore, when even an honest person tried to openly express their dissatisfaction with the actions of the authorities, generally, they were not listened to and, in the best case, were run away from, in the worst case, they were the first to report so that the interlocutor did not have time to report earlier. The article notes that special surveillance was carried out on the intelligentsia. It was conducted not only with the help of secret officers but also to a large extent with the help of informers-colleagues. Insincerity in personal relationships took deep root among educated people who held certain positions in state structures or belonged to the creative intelligentsia much more than in society as a whole. The author has come to the conclusion that whistleblowing, which flourished in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century negatively affected not only personal relationships of contemporaries but also relationships of next generations.
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