Keywords: Zaliztsi, Church of St. Trinity, history of the church, sacred monuments, sacred architecture.


The article is dedicated to highlighting the history of the monument of sacred construction – the church of St. Trinity in the city of Zaliztsi, Ternopil region, located on the border of historical Volyn and Halychyna. The purpose of the article is the analysis, generalization and systematization of published materials on the history of the church, the introduction of a new source into scientific circulation and the creation of the chronology of the existence of the temple based on them, as well as an attempt to date the monument. As a result of the analysis of preserved sources, it was possible to establish that the first documented references to the existence of the church date from 1687–1688, although the church in Zaliztsi existed at least from the beginning of the 16th century. The article publishes a detailed description of the church, which is contained in the visitation of 1784, which allows us to get a complete picture of the monument as of the second half of the 18th century. In particular, the document contains a detailed description of the interior of the church (including iconostasis and icons, liturgical utensils, liturgical vestments and books) and its surroundings (bell tower, cemetery, fence), as well as immovable property (church lands). The visitation also includes valuable information about the local parish priest, statistics about the parish's population, its toponymy and anthroponymy. In the study, it was possible to trace the chronology of the pastors of the church of St. Trinity from the second half of the 17th century. – until the middle of the 20th century, in particular, the name of the first priest of the church, Oleksandr Zlotkovych (1688), known in the act materials, has been established. The article also attempts to date the monument: the sources and the building itself allow us to suggest that the church of St. The Trinity is a monument of Ukrainian sacred architecture of at least the 18th century, and possibly even earlier. Austrian maps of the late 18th – mid-19th centuries are an important addition that enriches information about the church.


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How to Cite
Pavlyshyn, A., & Ilchyshyn, V. (2023). HOLY TRINITY CHURCH IN ZALIZTSI: HISTORY AND DATING. Litopys Volyni, (29), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.29.04
History of Volyn