In the article, a scientific and theoretical analysis of the implementation of the policy in the field of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine was carried out. The factors that influenced the decrease of the Corruption Perception Index were determined, among them the following should be highlighted: the recent constitutional crisis; incompleteness of reforms in the field of corruption prevention due to the war; reformatting of the activities of the main subjects of the implementation of anti-corruption policy, whose main focus is now on achieving Victory; lack of professional management personnel of the main specially authorized counter-corruption entities. Measures and projects since the beginning of the war of state authorities – the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, other entities providing anti-corruption activities, which contribute to reducing the level of corruption in such areas as education and volunteering, identification of sanctioned persons and their property, implementation of criminal proceedings together with investigative bodies, anti-corruption expertise, were analyzed. One of the urgent tasks of state authorities in the field of corruption prevention is cooperation with the public sector, implemented through the project “Ukraine Now. Vision of the future”, which is aimed at forming a vision of the development of Ukraine in the next five years, as well as the educational platform NAZK.Study (online courses for a virtuous country), through which educational work will be carried out and a negative attitude towards all manifestations of corruption in society will be cultivated among young people. In the field of education, in order to ensure a reduction in the level of corruption during the admission campaign-2022, in cooperation with the public organization “Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine”, an informational chatbot “Admission without bribes” was created, which allows applicants and anti-corruption officers of higher education institutions to prevent corruption and risks. The authors indicate that in the post-war period, state authorities and institutions implementing anti-corruption policy must first ensure the implementation of certain measures, namely: completion of implementation of the latest electronic government technologies; minimization of distribution and permission functions; reducing the size of the state apparatus and establishing salary restrictions; increasing the professionalism of officials; implementation of civil servants’ polygraph examination; development of effective control mechanisms by public organizations that enjoy high trust of citizens; publication on a transparent basis of reports on the distribution of financial aid for the reconstruction of Ukraine by industry and region, territorial communities. The measures proposed by the authors will reduce corruption risks in the post-war period, ensure the transparency of the activities of state authorities and increase the level of trust in them.
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