Today, the gender movement is extremely widespread in all parts of the world. The struggle of women for equality from democratic countries has spread to countries with stricter political and legal systems. Calls for equal rights for women and men are heard not only in European countries or the United States, but also in South America, Africa and Asia. India is no exception, whose women are trying to overcome stereotypes and gain full rights and freedoms. After all, centuries of tradition, the extraordinary influence of religious and philosophical currents have contributed to the establishment of a certain worldview of the Indian people, in which women are given minimal attention, or rather – she has long had virtually no rights, but only responsibilities. That is why it is important in this struggle, among other things, to understand the reasons for such historical restrictions, knowledge of the history of customary law and legal norms that have defined and continue to determine the behavior of Indian women, create a framework for thus restricting women’s freedom of expression. An analysis of the oldest ancient Indian legal sources, the Arthashastra and the Laws of Manu, reveals the socio-legal status of Indian women in the last centuries of the ancient era, early AD, when these legislatures were formed. In fact, it is a codification of customary law and oral traditions that have been formed and existed in ancient India for centuries. And only when this form of law ceased to meet the needs of a number of ancient Indian states, began to compile collections of fixed written legal norms. Based on the provisions of these laws, the article shows the legal status of Indian women during her life – from birth to old age, determines the conditions of education and training of girls, marriage; the responsibilities of women in family life, raising children, everyday life are revealed; the question of the right of inheritance, etc. is considered. It is determined that the legal law of ancient India is based on religious, ethical and philosophical norms, rituals, rules. It was they who determined the legal status of women for many centuries. Its peculiarity is on the one hand – respect for the mother, wife, daughter, constant care for her, care, removal from any problems. On the other hand, a woman in ancient Indian society, in fact, had only responsibilities and was deprived of any rights.
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