Keywords: patriotism, invincibility, insuperability, Ukrainian nation, national character


Today Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are going through difficult times. Every day in difficult combat conditions, under bullets and missiles of the "Hail" system of Russian terrorists, border guards and the Armed Forces prevent the artificial separation of the country at the cost of their lives, demonstrating the best features of defenders of the Fatherland, namely the invincibility of the Ukrainian people. Today, for many Ukrainians, the issue of freedom and liberty is more important than ever, so it is important to study the features of the inviolability of the Ukrainian nation. The aim of the research is to conduct a detailed scientific and practical substantiation of the peculiarities of the national character of the Ukrainian nation and to analyze the inviolability of the Ukrainian nation in the struggle for freedom and independence. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the features of the inviolability of the Ukrainian nation. Theoretical and methodological approaches were used for this, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, system-structural analysis, historical research method and psychological method. The results of the study showed that patriotism is understood as a component of nationalethical and cultural education, which is an integral part of the formation of individual beliefs and ideology. It is established that the national character of the Ukrainian people is understood as the value of the features of the Ukrainian nation, which were formed during the whole period of ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian people. It is determined that the work of T. G. Shevchenko is an inexhaustible source of identification for the Ukrainian people as a nation. It has been established that Ukrainians are one of the most freedom-loving, democratic in their way of life, hard-working and peace-loving peoples of the world. It has been established that the military attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine contributed to the formation of unity and cohesion of the Ukrainian people, in the struggle for national identity and the transformation of the crowd into a consolidated nation. It is determined that the indomitable nature of the Ukrainian mentality, the historical experience of the people and the broad support of almost all civilized countries of the world will inevitably lead to Ukraine’s victory over Russia. The results of the study are intended to serve for further research in order to analyze the features of the inviolability of the Ukrainian nation in the struggle for freedom and independence.


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How to Cite
Rodinova, N., & Lazareva, A. (2022). THE STEADFASTNESS OF THE UKRAINIAN NATION IS AN IMPORTANT LESSON FOR THE WORLD. Litopys Volyni, (26), 146-150.
History of Ukraine