The article is devoted to the analysis of state-church relations in the western Ukrainian regions in the final stages of developed socialism (late 70’s – early 80’s of the twentieth century), in particular reveals: features of the process of revival of the Greek Catholic Church in the region; condition, tendencies among believers of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC); the specifics of atheistic and propagandistic activities of the Soviet party authorities; activity of believers in the conditions of the Soviet totalitarian system; means of struggle of the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR against the religiosity of the population and its effectiveness. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively characterize the general trends and local features of state-church relations in the Ukrainian SSR in the context of socio-political and socio-cultural processes because of the analysis of archival documents. It is shown that the main difference between the western Ukrainian region and other regions of the USSR is the high religiosity of the population, most of which belonged to the Greek Catholic Church before the Lviv Pseudo-Council (1946). It is noted that the struggle against believers of all denominations in the period under study did not bring the expected results for local Commissioners for Religions under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, Soviet party authorities, primarily due to superficiality and a certain liberalization of all spheres of socio-political life in the republic and reducing the impact of the repressive and punitive system on the population of the region. It is noted that in the western Ukrainian regions the Communist Party of Ukraine recorded a significant percentage of the population, which was marked by religiosity (visiting religious buildings, observance of rituals), which shows the unsuccessful policy of eradicating religious consciousness in the population.
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