The relevance of the study of the phenomenon of “corruption” is shown, attention is paid to the multivariate nature of its understanding. It is emphasized that corruption is a process of “bribery and venality”, the end result of which is the satisfaction of purely pragmatic interests, the use of public opportunities in private interests. It is noted that the semantic nuances of the phenomenon of “corruption” are specified in the context of the terminological series corruption as the ability to realize certain life attitudes that have the ability to consolidate as a style of behavior, lifestyle; political corruption (use of rights by an official, public or political figure, related to his position, for the purpose of personal enrichment), anti-corruption policy (a model, a certain algorithm of state measures to prevent the selfish actions of officials). Emphasis is placed on the etymological origin of the phenomenon of “corruption” and its sociohistorical contexts, which have different semantic dominants and testify to the diversity of corrupt practices. The analysis of ideas about corruption in the context of various paradigms showed that in the course of the development of a certain tradition there were changes in its interpretation. It is noted that the semantic “slices” of corruption are correlated depending on the professional preferences of the researcher – legal, sociological, economic, public administration aspects. Corruption, arising and spreading in various social spheres, distorts the normatively defined forms, methods and mechanisms of state administration. By fragmenting state policy, corruption schemes disintegrate society, contribute to social tension, de-humiliate and make democratic norms and values meaningless and level. On this basis, it is stated that manifestations of corruption demoralize society, minimizes the effectiveness of anti-corruption strategies, weakens and devalues the political and administrative decision-making cycle. Moreover, corrupt practices more undermine trust and corrode people’s legitimate expectations.
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