Instability is a defining feature of the political process in Ukraine. The absence of a long tradition of sovereign statebuilding in a stable democracy laid the foundations for the problems of the legitimacy of political power in Ukraine at the present stage of state-building. The problems associated with the loss of support and trust of citizens are particularly acute for the weakened political institutions of Ukrainian society. Since independence, the crisis of legitimacy of political power has become pervasive in the Ukrainian political system. This led to the constitution of the process of delegitimation of political power. The institution of the presidency suffered the greatest reputational losses from the delegitimation process. The culmination of these processes for the institution of the presidency in Ukraine were the events of the Revolution of Dignity 2013–2014 and the election of «non-politician» V. Zelenskyi in 2019, which was a manifestation of the total delegitimation of the Ukrainian political elite. The problems of delegitimation of presidential power largely remain out of the attention of the Ukrainian scientific community. This is evidenced by insufficient coverage of this problem in the domestic scientific literature. However, the urgency of the crisis in the Ukrainian political system and the unresolved problems of delegitimation of presidential power in the political process of Ukraine stimulate scientific interest in this issue. With this in mind, the author offers tools that will be useful in scientific intelligence, the subject of which is the delegitimation of presidential power. The article considers two levels of methodology: general scientific and specific scientific. Within the general scientific level of the methodology the possibilities of application of the following approaches for research of delegitimation of presidential power are analyzed: institutional, historical, sociocultural, axiological, systemic, behavioral, activity, synergetic. Within the specific scientific level of the methodology, the heuristic potential of the following special methods is established: observation, statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, psychological analysis, political forecasting, political modeling, content analysis, case study.
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