Historical aspects of the architectural and spatial organization of Lesya Ukrainka Street in Lutsk

  • U. Dzhaman
Keywords: Lutsk architecture, Lesya Ukrainka street, Kronshteins, brick style, architectural and building traditions


The study is devoted to the analysis of the architectural and spatial organization of Lesya Ukrainka Street as an important component of urban, architectural and spiritual heritage of Lutsk. . Given the enormous scale of destruction suffered by the cultural and historical heritage of Ukraine during the twentieth century, the spiritual and cultural-educational role of churches and monasteries in the life of the country is growing. Thus, the restoration, reconstruction and reconstruction of architectural monuments becomes an effective tool for spiritual and national development, the revival of self-consciousness of the Ukrainian people. In recent years, interest in the historical and architectural heritage and internal laws of urban planning has grown, which necessitated the search for ways of development. The article considers the socio-economic and cultural aspects that led to the formation of Lesia Ukrainka Street as the central street of Lutsk. The main periods of development of Lesia Ukrainka Street are highlighted. The artistic features of the decor of the buildings of Lesia Ukrainka Street in Lutsk of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century are analyzed. Lesia Ukrainka Street represents the relationship between local (indigenous) and borrowed features in the formation of the city's image. Along with the ancient buildings and the rapid pace of change of spatial planning structure, individuality and unique architectural and spatial organization of historical urban complexes of Lutsk, as well as the relationship between form and environment are becoming increasingly important and need in-depth study. Based on the above, a retrospective analysis of the genesis and evolution of the architectural and spatial organization of the cities of Volyn is one of the urgent tasks of the history of architecture. The results of the research are necessary as a basis for the development of programs for the further development of historical settlements, for which the problem of preserving the historically formed image-functional originality of the environment is always relevant.


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How to Cite
Dzhaman, U. (2019). Historical aspects of the architectural and spatial organization of Lesya Ukrainka Street in Lutsk. Litopys Volyni, (20), 36-41. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2020.20.05