Volyn’ land in the memoir works of 1917-1921 Ukrainian revolution participants

  • O. Demianiuk
Keywords: Ukrainian revolution, Volyn’ region, Volyn’, Ukrainian People's Republic, Ukrainian Central Rada, Hetmanat P. Skoropadsky, Directory of UPR, memoirs


The article analyzes the main memoir works, in which direct participants of the national-liberation struggle era of 1917-1921 present information about the progress of state-building and military-political events in the Volyn’ region and its adjacent areas during the Ukrainian revolution. The author processed the memoirs in which the writers expressed their vision of individual events in the days of Ukrainian Central Rada, Hetmanat of P. Skoropadskyi, and Directory of UPR as well as memories with their own estimation of national state-building processes. At the same time, the memoirs of state, political, and military leaders of foreign countries were intentionally left outside the scope of the research.


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How to Cite
Demianiuk, O. (2017). Volyn’ land in the memoir works of 1917-1921 Ukrainian revolution participants. Litopys Volyni, (18), 38-42. Retrieved from http://litopys.volyn.ua/index.php/litopys/article/view/102