The policy of Soviet power on the lands of Western Ukraine in the field of culture, education and religion from September 1939 to June 1941

  • Lyudmila Strylchuk
Keywords: culture, education, religion, Soviet power, politics, Western Ukraine, Sovietization, ideology


Since September 1939, when Western Ukraine joined the UkrSSR, the process of Sovietization, which covered all components of social life, began in the Upper lands. The policy of Soviet power in the field of culture and education was characterized by the destruction of the traditional foundations of Western Ukrainian society and the imposition of the Soviet educational model and dogmas of the Bolshevik culture. The article analyzes the positive and negative trends of this process.


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How to Cite
Strylchuk, L. (2017). The policy of Soviet power on the lands of Western Ukraine in the field of culture, education and religion from September 1939 to June 1941. Litopys Volyni, (18), 32-37. Retrieved from