The study highlights the impact of militarization on social and political processes. A comparative analysis of the policy of militarization in autocratic and democratic countries was carried out, the main aspects were highlighted. It is found that the aggressive foreign policy of autocracies can also lead to the strengthening of the defense capacity of democratic countries, which can include not only military forces, but also diplomatic and economic measures to ensure national security. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of militarization on modern political relations, as well as to analyze the processes of militarization in autocratic and democratic countries. The scientific novelty consists in the comparative analysis of the policy of militarization in autocratic and democratic countries It is concluded that, In general, the influence of militarization on modern political relations is complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative consequences depending on the specific context. In many cases, increased militarization can lead to increased tensions between states, as well as increased competition for resources and power. This can lead to escalation of conflicts and even war. It is important that governments and societies carefully consider the consequences of militarization and seek peaceful and diplomatic solutions to conflicts. It was noted that the process of aggressive policy of authoritarian countries can lead to increased militarization in the countries of the democratic camp, and to combat this, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen defense capabilities. An important step in solving the challenges of modern democracy is the need to realize the dysfunction of international structures that ensure world order, consolidation and militarization of collective Western states and their allies. It should be noted that the risk of regression of authoritarian rule increases significantly, when human rights and general democratic values can be lost in a short period of time.
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