In the modern conditions of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the use of the political and social context in advertising campaigns becomes especially important. Advertisements that appeal to patriotism, support for the army, aid to displaced persons, or other social initiatives are becoming an important tool for influencing public sentiment and increasing brand loyalty. However, this approach has not only the potential to achieve commercial goals, but also significant ethical challenges, including the risk of manipulation of public opinion and a possible negative impact on the morale of the population. This makes research on the effectiveness and ethical aspects of using political and social context in advertising extremely relevant. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns using the political and social context during the military conflict, in particular, determining their impact on the public, consumer loyalty and brand reputation. Special attention is paid to the ethical aspects of using war themes in advertising, assessing possible risks and developing recommendations for brands that seek to use a political or social context in their communications. The research uses an interdisciplinary approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. Content analysis of advertising campaigns containing a political or social context was carried out, followed by analysis of their effectiveness using quantitative indicators such as views, interactions and sales growth. The results of the study showed that the use of political and social context in advertising significantly increases brand recognition and audience engagement. In particular, campaigns that appeal to patriotic feelings or social responsibility receive high public support and contribute to increased sales. However, the study also identified a number of risks, including a negative impact on brand reputation if advertising is perceived as speculative or manipulative. Accordingly, it is extremely important to adhere to ethical standards so as not to harm either the brand or society. The study confirmed that advertising campaigns built on a political and social context can be extremely effective if they are implemented with ethical standards and social responsibility in mind. For brands choosing this approach, it is important to clearly define the limits of acceptable use of such topics in order to avoid possible negative consequences, both for reputation and for the moral state of citizens. Practical recommendations on the ethical use of the political and social context in advertising campaigns have been developed, which include the need for transparency, honesty and respect for consumer emotions.
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