The article is a study of the implementation of modern NATO standards for ensuring gender perspectives in the security and defense sector. The work focuses on the importance of gender policy in the field of defense for strengthening the efficiency and stability of military and civilian structures. The concept of gender equality is analyzed as one of the key aspects of NATO’s policy aimed at ensuring the fair representation of women and men in various branches of defense structures and the integration of gender aspects into the planning and implementation of military operations. An overview of the historical aspects of NATO’s policy on gender integration and empowerment of women is presented. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of institutional changes necessary for the implementation of gender policy, including the adoption of new normative acts, the creation of specialized gender departments, as well as training and professional development of personnel. Attention is focused on program documents that contributed to the understanding of the complex and complex nature of gender integration. The article also analyzes specific measures that are being implemented with the aim of implementing UN Security Council Resolution No. 1325 “Women, Peace, Security”, which provides for the active participation of women in peacemaking processes and their protection in armed conflicts. The results of research are considered, which testify to the positive impact of gender integration on the operational capabilities of military units, in particular, improving communication, increasing morale, and reducing the level of conflicts within the team. The cited successes and challenges are considered in the context of the institutional mechanism, the Armed Forces as a labor market, gender violence in the Armed Forces, as well as the representation of female servicemen and veterans in the media. The paper emphasizes the importance of constant monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of gender policies, as well as the need for international cooperation and exchange of experience between NATO member countries in order to achieve sustainable results. The conclusions of the article emphasize that ensuring gender perspectives in the security and defense sector is not only a matter of justice, but also a strategic imperative that contributes to increasing the combat capability and effectiveness of defense structures in the modern world.
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