A nation's cultural heritage is an invaluable source of scientific research and serves as the basis for preserving an ethnic group's identity, language, traditions, customs, and cultural characteristics in modern globalization processes. Preserving cultural heritage becomes even more important in border regions, which are local zones of cultural interactions. Volyn is a frontier region where representatives of several Eastern European peoples live. Therefore, the goal of the article is to elucidate the ways of their interaction through objects of tangible and intangible heritage. The article attempts to investigate and characterize the objects of the cultural heritage of the Czech community in Volyn. The study presents examples of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Czech ethnic group, which settled in Volyn in the middle of the 19th century. The main types of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Czech ethnic group are defined. The objects of intangible culture include the Czech language in the version of the middle of the 19th century, customs of celebration of national holidays, national cuisine, and national musical tradition, which are preserved in Czech families to this day. The material culture heritage includes religious buildings and residential and industrial objects. Special characteristic features of Czech houses built with traditional decorative elements of Czech architecture are described. The houses were built in the shape of a rectangle oriented towards the central road of the village and were divided into residential and practical parts. Religious buildings (churches, houses of prayer) were erected according to European architectural traditions. Emphasis is placed on the elements of preserving the traditions of the Volyn border region by Volyn Czech re-migrants in the modern Czech Republic. The Volyn borderland is defined as a region of cooperation and interaction of various ethnic cultures. The author substantiates the need to preserve objects of the cultural heritage of the Czech, Polish, and Ukrainian peoples.
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