The article analyzes scientific research on the issues of forming the concepts of “state security” and “national security” in Ukraine, as well as the roles and tasks of state bodies in this field. The ongoing, undeclared total aggression by Russia in Ukraine and its intelligence-subversive and hybrid-terrorist activities, according to current legislation, place basic tasks for assurance of state security from modern external challenges, risks, threats, and dangers on the state authorities of Ukraine. The activation of intelligence-subversion and terrorist activities by Russian special services towards Ukraine requires its law enforcement and intelligence agencies to enhance mechanisms for reliably ensuring the national security of the state, particularly its diplomatic service, its personnel, and the family members. This also applies to Ukrainian citizens abroad who are knowledgeable about information classified as state secrets. Current global trends, common to most countries, indicate the intensification of issues such as nationalism, separatism, autonomy of ethnically homogeneous regions, and the struggle for influence on the international stage. Alongside the imperfections in the modern application of international law norms and the ineffectiveness of mechanisms for resolving international conflicts (especially in the case of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, where permanent members of the UN Security Council are involved), these factors may lead to the emergence of new and exacerbation of existing regional and international conflicts. The comprehensive nature of solving problems related to ensuring the state and national security of Ukraine dictates the necessity of their in-depth scientific analysis. The results of such work can serve as a basis for further improvement of the laws of Ukraine, departmental normative legal acts, as well as the development of effective practical guidelines and recommendations, generalized methodical algorithms for employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, law enforcement bodies, and special services of Ukraine.
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