Keywords: public holiday, commemorative date, political culture, political participation, civil society, democratization, state policy


Without trying to give his own scientific definition of the concept of “public holiday”, the author is inclined to understand the public holiday as a day officially determined by state authorities, which has a special symbolic meaning for the further progress of the state, preserving its integrity and continuity. The date of such a day is determined by a key event in the life of a nation or state. Usually, public holidays are additional days off and involve a certain ceremonial celebration. The set of public holidays of each state forms its system of public holidays, which is characterized by balance and is a kind of political and cultural marker. The procedures for celebrating public holidays involve the involvement of official representatives of the authorities, a wide range of the public, opinion leaders, and foreign guests. In turn, this contributes to the establishment of social dialogue, the spread of humanistic values, the consolidation of society, and the growth of the authority of the state beyond its borders. At the same time, public holidays are an opportunity for the manifestation of alternative political views, which allows to reveal social tension. The main features of the system of public holidays in Germany developed after its unification. The key national holiday of the Germans is the “Day of German Unity” which has been celebrated since 1990 on the third of October, the day when the unification of West and East Germany took place. The date of the holiday was determined by the “Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the Establishment of German Unity”. In German society, there are occasional discussions about this date, but it remains unchanged. Since Germany is a federal state, the number of public holidays in different federal states varies and averages ten units. Most of these holidays are celebrated on religious holidays, but in any case they fulfill their main political function – the consolidation of society. 


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How to Cite
Pakholok, V., & Bairak, S. (2024). SPECIFICS OF THE FORMATION OF THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC HOLIDAYS OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. Litopys Volyni, (30), 208-212. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2024.30.34
Political science