The article states that the modern war of the fourth is significantly different from binary, trinitarian and total war. It is emphasized that the consequences of this type of armed violence are not as obvious as in the wars of the previous formation. It was emphasized that without establishing and detailing these consequences, it is impossible to organize an effective defense, including against the psychological influence of the enemy, which is currently an urgent task for our state. It is noted that when detailing the political-economic, social and psychological impact of the modern war, it is necessary to take into account the regularities of the functioning of the world-system as a whole. It has been established that the main global consequence of the thirty-year world wars for hegemony is the establishment of a new leader and the restructuring of the international system for his interests. It is indicated that the last of such wars (1914 ‒ 1945) led to the fact that the economic growth of the leading countries ceased to depend on the presence of colonies, that is, on direct access to the resource base. The work focuses on the fact that the main task of modern wars is the complete subjugation of the opponent's political system to the aggressor, and not the seizure of national wealth, resources or territories. It was concluded that the consequence of such a confrontation is colossal, and sometimes complete, destruction of industry and infrastructure and numerous, deliberate victims among the civilian population. It is emphasized that the exclusion of war from the world political process as a mechanism of direct confrontation between the countries of the center and the semi-periphery gradually formed a persistent belief, the illusion that war is an extraordinary phenomenon, not characteristic of civilized countries. On the basis of the presented material, it was established that the main object of war today is the consciousness of the enemy, and the body becomes only a means. It is noted that in most cases, as many people are destroyed as it is necessary for those who remain alive to learn the so-called «lesson». Accordingly, it was noted that the psychological factor and information influence have become the basis of modern war.
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