Keywords: institutionalization, academic facility, science center, Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, I.Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Center for Research on the Liberation Movement, UPA


The purpose of this article is to conduct a research institutionalization analysis of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army problematics within the Ukrainian scientific realm in the years of Ukraine’s independence. The methodological basis of this research includes the methods of historiographic analysis and synthesis, generalization, and the historical-systematic method. The article focuses on academic institutionalization of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army problematics, as well as the infrastructure development and priority setting of that institutionalization. The Institute of History of Ukraine under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the central national historical science entity, thus this article studies the scientific and research, the search and analysis, and the publishing activities of the Institute. A separate part of the article is devoted to the World War II Ukrainian History Department, which conducts case studies and systematic war history research of the whole national history spectrum within the period of 1939-1945. This study also includes the analysis of the Government commission on OUN-UPA research activities, which has been conducted in order to prepare historically and juridically justified conclusions on those activities. Among the members are key government officials, and the commission is chaired by S. Kulchytskyi, a respected research specialist. Another important aspect of the article is the analysis of the research conducted by a number of independent civil science and research entities, organizations and associations that study the Ukrainian liberation movement history, as well as the history of state and military bodies during World War II, from a scientific perspective. It has been determined that the work of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance and the I.Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies also contributes to a more comprehensive research on the matter. This article also highlights the key lines of effort in the work of the Center for Research on the Liberation Movement independent research organization. It has been concluded that national scientific institutions, the main tasks of which include UPA problematics, contribute to the resolving of key challenges regarding both the standardization of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army activities in general, and an objective vision of its role and place in the events of the Second World War in particular. 


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History of Ukraine