Keywords: Kremenets teacher (pedagogical) institute, Soviet propaganda, ideology, education


The article highlights the teaching of social disciplines and the peculiarities of the organization of ideological work in the Kremenets Teacher's Institute, and since 1951, the Pedagogical Institute. It should be noted that Soviet propaganda was versatile and concerned various aspects of youth life. Ideological work was carried out by the Department of History of the CPSU and a specially appointed person – the secretary of the party organization of the institute. The memoirs of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Oleksiy Hryhorovych "How I Worked in Kremenets" were analyzed, which add more detailed information about the educational institution, its teachers and students.  The modern educational system of Ukraine must take into account the shortcomings and mistakes of Soviet education, as well as identify the positive aspects of this period. The history of the Kremenets Teachers' Institute reflects a typical example of ideological pressure on young people during the times of totalitarianism. The purpose of the study is to generalize and comprehensively analyze archival sources, published materials, using the comparative method, to reproduce the ideological work of the Soviet government in the educational process of teachers' institutes in the post-war period. The author determined that the leading trends of educational policy in the Soviet Union can be defined as the centralization of management and the strengthening of the influence of ideology in the field of education; the subordination of educational activity to the general Soviet strategy, in which social sciences were a tool for the formation of communist consciousness and at the same time a means of its dissemination in society. The institute paid considerable attention to the formation of ideological consciousness among students, including the study of political and social aspects, the organization of mass political work and the promotion of communist ideas. This approach testifies to the institute's serious focus on educating its students not only as specialists, but also as citizens with high ideological awareness. 


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History of Volyn