The article reflects the results of a scientific-historical study, the topic of which is secondary agrarian (agricultural) education in the Volyn region in the mid-60’s – in the first half of the 80’s of the ХХth century. The chronological boundaries of the study of the mentioned topic are determined by the era of «zastоy» (“stagnation”) (1964‒1985). The article demonstrates the main features of the development of secondary agricultural education in the Volyn region. The personnel aspect, the process of providing agricultural technical schools with teaching staff, as well as material, technical and didactic support were analyzed. Also described is the process of students entering agricultural technical schools, the peculiarities of the admission campaigns at that time. The author tried to describe the educational and methodological aspect of secondary agricultural education and demonstrates its relationship with other aspects of professional agricultural education in the Volyn region. Analyzing the secondary agricultural education in the region in 1964–1985, attention should be paid to the social security of the education workers and students of that time. That is why the work shows the salary indicators of educators of that time, its change during the studied period. There are separate data on the appointment and payment of scholarships to students of agricultural technical schools. When researching this topic, a wide range of historical sources were used, most of which are unpublished archival documents stored in the State Archives of the Volyn Region. The source base also includes regional Soviet periodicals and eyewitness accounts. In the process of researching the mentioned problems, the author used general scientific and historical-scientific methods of scientific research, in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis, deductive and inductive, problem-chronological, comparative-historical and statistical. The work is interesting for historians-scientists, teachers, managers of the agricultural sector, students of higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as those who are interested in the history of education in Ukraine during the Soviet period.
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