Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption, trust, public authorities, anti-corruption bodies, strategic forecasts.


It is noted that corruption as an abuse of power jeopardizes all spheres of society, undermines trust in public authorities, and weakens civil society and democracy. The author focuses on the fact that in the vast majority of researchers, two trends dominate in the process of minimizing corruption schemes. On the one hand, the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures is associated with the use of foreign practices, and on the other hand, they emphasize Ukrainian uniqueness, paying attention to the peculiarities of mentality, archetypes, etc. The article emphasizes that in this case, it is worth combining these two approaches with an emphasis on political and managerial mechanisms for combating corruption. Copying mindlessly "smart" but foreign solutions, without taking into account the local context and the real needs of Ukraine, is unlikely to achieve the appropriate result. It is noted that the effectiveness of anti-corruption activities depends not only on certain measures, but also directly on the context, on the environment within which it is carried out. Moreover, political and managerial mechanisms for combating corruption are defined as a strategy for ensuring transparent, open, balanced development, taking into account external and internal threats, with provision for their effectiveness and necessary adjustments. It is established that the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures does not depend on the number of anticorruption bodies, but on their quality of work at both the national and local levels, empowerment and participation of citizens in democratic processes. It is noted that the mechanism of anti-corruption activities includes the following components: monitoring of the real state of anti-corruption changes, thanks to the developed qualitative criteria and assessment instruments; implementation of practical measures aimed at neutralizing corruption activities; systematic analysis of the results, their correction and further improvement. The essential preventive practices are, on the one hand, transparency and openness of decisions, and, on the other hand, reduction of the "human factor" in the process of granting various permits and exercising control functions.


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How to Cite
Predko , M. (2023). POLITICAL AND MANAGERIAL FACTORS IN COMBATING CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE. Litopys Volyni, (29), 206-211. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.29.33
Public administration