Keywords: Euro-Atlantic integration, full-scale war, NATO, international politics, defense capability, threats, support.


The article examines Ukraine-NATO relations, which have been developing for quite a long time. It was clarified that the special intensity of interaction is connected precisely with the full-scale invasion of the Russian army. The role of the Alliance's assistance in confronting the aggressor is difficult to underestimate, therefore today it is very important for the Ukrainian state to strengthen relations and cooperation with the member states of the bloc. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and to identify achievements and problems on the way to NATO membership. To implement the research, general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization, abstraction, comparison and analogy) and special (historical, sociocultural) methods of cognition were used. It was noted that, on the one hand, the Russian-Ukrainian war helped reveal the most painful gaps in world security that need to be eliminated and resolved. On the other hand, the full-scale invasion of the Russian army contributed to the intensification of Ukraine's interaction and cooperation with NATO member states. The main areas of long-term assistance of the North Atlantic Alliance to Ukraine have been identified: defense and economic spheres, training of the Ukrainian military, the sphere of medicine and psychological assistance, reconstruction and rehabilitation projects in the post-war period. The main achievements of Ukraine in the direction of Euro-Atlantic integration are characterized: the creation of the «Ramstein» Contact Group, which coordinates the provision of comprehensive assistance to the Ukrainian state; the creation of the Ukraine-NATO Council, which provides for the equality of Ukraine and the participating states, and which is a mechanism for making decisions and providing consultations in moments of crisis; recognition by NATO members of the Russian Federation as an aggressor and a threat to the existing international legal order. The main obstacles for Ukraine to obtain the status of a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are the war, during which it is impossible to obtain the status of a full member, because the members of the North Atlantic Alliance are wary of the possibility of escalation and the possibility of being fully involved in the war, as well as because of hesitation and unwillingness to take a political step to meet Ukraine in making a decision on the latter's accession to NATO. Thus, during the period of full-scale war, Ukraine achieved significant results in increasing the intensity of interaction with NATO, which allows the Ukrainian state to effectively confront the enemy. In the future, it is expedient to eliminate the existing obstacles to Euro-Atlantic integration in order to achieve and ensure a high level of stability and defense capability of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Lushahina, T., & Sanin, O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR. Litopys Volyni, (29), 153-159. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.29.25
Political science