Keywords: Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 15th Infantry Regiment, First World War, Great War, Eastern Front, Ternopil Region, Italian Front.


The article traces the history of the military unit of the 15th infantry regiment of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Reconstruction of the combat route of the infantry regiment was carried out, its participation in military events of the 18th–20th centuries was characterized. The participation of the military formation in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the siege and capture of the Landau fortress in 1702, in the Battle of Stolhofen in April 1703, in the battles of Almenara and Villavicios in 1710, in the Seven Years' and Austro-Turkish Wars is analyzed. It is pointed out that in honor of the victory at Aspern in May 1809, the 15th infantry regiment was not only immortalized on the monument to Archduke Karl in Vienna, in a painting by the artist J. P. Kraft, but also celebrated the regimental holiday on May 22. From the 19th century The 15th infantry regiment was formed on the territory of the Tarnopil district, the local population was called to it. The peculiarities of the internal organization of the regiment, the specifics of the service, national composition, functioning and management of the regiment are considered. During the First World War, the 15th Infantry Regiment took part in hostilities on the Eastern and Italian fronts. On the Italian front, the 15th Infantry Regiment fought as part of the 19th Infantry Brigade of the 10th Infantry Division until the end of the Great War. The article highlights the participation of the 15th infantry regiment in the national military units of the ZUNR. Reserve units of the 15th infantry regiment in Lviv took part in the November parade, 50 infantrymen of the unit occupied the Main Post. Part of the 15th Infantry Regiment became one of the foundations for the formation of the 1st Infantry Regiment named after Prince Lev, led by Lieutenant Mykytka. Petro Franko began his military career in this unit. The district command in Ternopil, on the basis of the former 15th infantry regiment, formed a reserve: the 1st Podilsk regiment named after S. Petlyura.


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How to Cite
Polivchuk, V., & Shcherbin, L. (2023). 15 GALICIAN INFANTRY REGIMENT: HISTORY AND COMBAT PATH. Litopys Volyni, (29), 122-126. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.29.20
World history