The article elucidates and analyzes the essence of the concept of the crime of genocide in terms of international law. Genocide is a dangerous international crime against humanity and humaneness that cannot be acquitted or apologized. This term was introduced into scientific use in 1944. R. Lemkin in his book The Rule of the Axis Powers in Occupied Europe. The scientist proved that this kind of crime existed throughout the history of human civilization. Everything possible should be done to prevent and prevent its occurrence. The author points out that genocide was recognised as an international crime in 1946. by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. On 9 December 1948, the fundamental document was adopted – the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The article does not ignore an important and fundamental document – the Rome Statute, which was established by the International Criminal Court in 1998 and entered into force on 1 July 2002. As of September 2019, 155 states have signed the Rome Statute, and 122 have ratified it. Ukraine signed the Statute on 20 January 2000 but did not ratify it. Ratification of the Rome Statute will provide for extending the jurisdiction of the ICC to Ukraine and start investigating crimes on the territory of our country. Today, this is the only opportunity to bring Putin and his entourage to justice at the international level for crimes committed by Russia during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Ukraine is obliged to ratify the Statute in accordance with Articles 8 and 24 of the Association Agreement with the European Union. It is emphasised that proving the crime of genocide in the legal plane is quite complicated and can take years, it requires not only an evidence base, but also confirmation that all these actions had a deliberate intention to destroy Ukrainians as a nation or ethnic group. Civil society organisations and politicians at all levels should be prepared to act to prevent genocide as a global phenomenon.
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6. Антонович М. Злочин злочинів: що таке геноцид та як він карається. URL:
7. Юридична сотня закликає підтримати ратифікацію Римського статуту в Україні, що дасть змогу поширити юрисдикцію Міжнародного кримінального суду на територію України. URL:
8. Що таке Римський статут та чому його потрібно ратифікувати в Україні? URL:
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10. 9 грудня – Міжнародний день вшанування пам'яті та гідності жертв злочину геноциду та запобігання цим злочинам. URL: