The article examines a wide range of scientific and archival sources; the baseline on the Zablocky (Zablocki) gentry genealogy, who by the end of the 19th century lived in Skvyra and other neighbouring municipalities of Kyiv province has also been also tracked down. The relevance of the research is driven by the insufficient level of scientific development and study of the topic. Its further consideration is necessary for a qualitative reproduction of the aggregate picture of the historical and sociocultural life of Central Ukraine in the 19th century. Research design is based on the use of general scientific and special methods, in particular, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, genetic, bibliographic, historical, cultural and others. The work traces the signature moments of the development of the Zablocky (Zablocki) nobility families from the 14th century, the times of Rus’-Ukraine Kingdom to the end of the 19th century. Attention has been drawn to the causes and ways of migration of Ukrainian elites during the specified period; as well as the co-dependence of political, social, and cultural factors with the evolution and position of the ancient Ukrainian gentry. It has been established that the surname Zablocky (Zablocki) was one of the fairly common ones in Volhynia, Berestia, Zhytomyr-, Kyiv- and Cherkasy-Regions. Its representatives were among the entourage of Ukrainian kings and princes, as well as Cossack colonels or senior officers from the times of the Cossack Hetmanate, diplomats, noble landowners, etc. The conclusion is a confirmation of the antiquity and elitism of the surname Zablotsky, which belongs to a whole galaxy of one of the first known heraldic Ukrainian noblemen. The conclusions also include a deeper understanding of the genealogy of these aristocratic dynasties. Prospects for further research are the search, collection, analysis of archival materials, conducting thorough studies in order to form a comprehensive, detailed picture of the chronology and history of the Zablotsky families.
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