The article analyzes scientific approaches to the issue of formation and development of military security. The author substantiates the importance of the formation of a military security system, which characterizes the state of social relations of this social and military-political system, its components, which ensures effective countermeasures against the influence of external and internal military threats, and thereby creates conditions for the stable dynamic development of this society in the military sphere . The author found out that military security is becoming the most important priority of the state. In turn, this leads to the emergence of specific activities related to its provision, during which the military security system is formed, improved, and maintained at the required level, which is determined, on the one hand, by the military-political situation, and on the other, by the powers of the state. In the course of the same activity, there is also a practical reflection of emerging military threats. The article substantiates that military security as a component of national security is a complex category that characterizes the state of social relations of this social and military-political system, its components, which ensures effective countermeasures against the influence of external and internal military threats (armed violence), and therefore it is in the military sphere that conditions are created for the stable dynamic development of this society. The author proved that today there is an objective need for the formation of the Doctrine of military security in war conditions, where the issues of professionalization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, optimization of state management in the field of the defense-industrial complex, increased funding for scientific development of innovative means of protection for servicemen, innovative weapons, provide foresight studies in the field of military security taking into account modern globalization challenges and dangers, identify problems of economic, ecological, personnel, food security taking into account the provision of military security, determine priorities for the development of military security for 5, 10 and 30 years.
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