Keywords: patriotism, youth, state values, historical past, national consciousness


The article is devoted to the issue of patriotism as a component of the system of state values among young people. It has been found that during periods of great historical upheavals, patriotic feelings are sharply sharpened, therefore the education of patriotism in the younger generation is one of the most important tasks of the entire system of education and upbringing. The article reveals the following manifestations of patriotism as a state value among young people: love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past, the formation of national consciousness, and love for the native language. It is noted that love for the Motherland should presuppose a person’s belonging to a specific state, which determines the set of rights, freedoms and responsibilities of an individual and ensures their legal protection both inside the country and outside its borders. It is shown that patriotism is a socio-historical phenomenon that has specific manifestations in different historical eras, because every person, and even more so a social group, has its own specific interests that determine the understanding of this concept. It is described that patriotism as a socio-psychological feeling has a wide range of manifestations: from pride in the achievements of the Motherland, respect for the historical past, a careful attitude to national memory, the preservation and mastery of national and cultural traditions, to the bitterness of grief over the failures and loss of the native country, suffering because of her troubles. The article states that the historical past helps young people understand their purpose in the world because it helps them learn more about their origins. Interest in the historical past and history of one’s country helps to learn interesting facts about one’s nation, its culture, traditions, formation and development.


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How to Cite
Naida, I. (2023). PATRIOTISM IN THE STATE VALUES SYSTEM OF THE YOUTH. Litopys Volyni, (28), 355-359.
Public administration