The article analyzes the model of the electronic state as the basis for the formation of an innovative system of public administration. The author states that the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war on the territory of Ukraine, hostilities and the occupation of some territories of Ukraine affect the transformation of the public administration system. These changes are also influenced by the new trends of globalization, digitization, and the introduction of information and communication technologies into all spheres of society’s life. There was an objective need to carry out a systemic analysis of the electronic state model as the basis for the formation of an innovative system of public administration. The concept of electronic governance in the context of electronic management and information management substantiates its functional specificity based on the characteristics of the management process as an electronic information and communication exchange, as well as taking into account social changes associated with the introduction and use of information and computer technologies. Modern interpretations of the concept of electronic governance formulate new features and new directions of its research. The main differences are related to the fact that e-government is considered, firstly, in relation to the development of mobile telecommunication technologies that provide higher quality state information services, as well as to the impact of these technologies on administrative or business processes. Secondly, it should be noted the new aspects of information access and information openness provided by the principles of network communication interaction, which open the perspective of electronic democracy. The article substantiates that the creation of an electronic state model as the basis for the formation of an innovative system of public administration leads to a key change in the relationship between society and the government, brings the system of public administration closer to the users of the services of this system, creates safe conditions for obtaining state (administrative) services for both the population and for employees of state authorities, changes the context of the activities of authorities, minimizes manifestations of corruption.
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