The strengthening of the influence of globalization factors leads to the deepening of the processes of transformation of political systems and leads to the need to involve modern digital technologies and information-analytical systems in practical activities. The development of Ukraine’s political system in today’s conditions can be characterized as subject to the significant destabilizing influence of external and internal environmental factors, one of the most important of which is digitalization. Under such conditions, there is a need to carry out in-depth research in the direction of identifying the peculiarities and problems of the development of the political system of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization, and the topic of the research becomes especially relevant. The article examines the main scientific approaches to clarifying the essence of the concept of the development of the political system of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization, analyzes the peculiarities of the development of the political system of Ukraine. It was established that the current state of the political system of Ukraine is characterized as unstable, and political processes need improvement. The effectiveness of digitalization in the mechanism of ensuring the development of the political system has been proven, since thanks to its technologies, it is possible to ensure the transparency of the mechanisms of election of state authorities, the formation of an influential parliament, and the expansion of the sphere of competence of local self-government bodies on the basis of the maximum possible participation of the public in making relevant decisions. The main directions for improving the political system of Ukraine are proposed, among the most important of which is the need to complete the administrative and territorial reform, eliminate the duplication of functions of state authorities and their clear demarcation and legislative consolidation, as well as the formation of an effective electoral system and ensuring its transparency.
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