Keywords: trust, political and power institutions, socio-political moods, political consciousness, political culture


It is established that the indicator that determines the level of trust in political and law enforcement institutions is the level of inclusion of citizens in political processes. Citizens’ interest in politics implies participation in political processes through appeals to political leaders and political institutions. The dynamics of the level of trust should be analyzed through the activity and interaction of individuals in society. Applying a comparative analysis of interest in politics and trust in the political institutions of Ukraine, we observe such a pattern that citizens of those states that trust these institutions more often turn to government representatives of different levels. And the opposite situation is observed in those countries where they trust political institutions less and are less interested in politics. It was found out that after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the level of trust in all state institutions has significantly increased. Attention is focused on the fact that the indicator of trust in law enforcement institutions has significantly improved. Three aspects that affect the low level of public participation in Ukraine are identified. First, there is the lack of charismatic leaders who are willing to take responsibility and work to solve real problems. Secondly, it is the dissatisfaction with the basic needs of citizens, which forces the population to survive, and not to meet higher-level needs, in particular, participation in the activities of political institutions. Third, it is a high level of paternalism. In Ukraine, there is a cautious attitude towards public initiatives and participation in various initiatives, and in some cases linking public participation through the prism of their own interests (political, social, financial, etc.).


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How to Cite
Prymush, M., Yarosh, Y., & Strelkov, V. (2023). DYNAMICS OF TRUST IN POLITICAL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT INSTITUTIONS IN UKRAINE (SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECT). Litopys Volyni, (28), 287-291. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.28.41
Political science