Modern political science has a lot of developments devoted to political leadership. They are usually associated exclusively with the functioning of democratic regimes. However, the functioning of the Chinese model of political meritocracy proves not only the right to its existence but also efficiency and undeniable advantages that cannot be neglected. The creation of modern geostrategy is a process of political work of strategic architects, whose expertise and strategic thinking affect achieving geostrategy goals. Political leadership is essential for the Ukrainian state, therefore, the analysis of the stages of formation of political leaders and their paths outside the context of democratic elections is crucial given the analytical value of a political leader’s becoming. Strategists are not elected – you should become one. Thus, in the framework of this article, following the research of modern China’s geostrategy elements, a detailed analysis of one of the fifth-generation leaders of China – Xi Jinping, is conducted. The article justifies the author’s opinion that genuine strategic architects (political strategic leaders) should look far into the future and not become servants of election processes and make decisions to please the electorate. The formation of the political system should occur in such a way as to prevent non-systemic politicians, short-sighted and populist political figures (non-strategic leaders) from coming to power. The universality of political meritocracy is to conceptualize and globalize the ideologeme of expertise in any direction of social development, including politics. The case of Xi Jinping proves that the concepts of political meritocracy are not limited to small cities or provinces but can be extrapolated to large social systems, states, and coalitions of states. The crisis of public administration in Western democracies, especially after revealed political corruption in Western countries, the pandemic, and the beginning and continuation of Russia’s barbaric war against the Ukrainian state, significantly shook the implicit faith in electoral democracy, thereby creating a demand for new models and political alternatives. Western democracy is not always tolerated outside Western states and the Western world. Moreover, the relevant model has ceased to be a favored pattern for which the builders of other political and social systems strived. On the other hand, the authoritarianism of the political regime (the political leadership of Xi Jinping) is also not a standard of the management style that can be extrapolated as a model to other political systems. Therefore, the intellectual and volitional ability of the strategic architect to develop and implement the geostrategy of the state is decisive. The article scales and consistently expands the author’s key idea regarding the clear distinction of geostrategy as a theory separate from geopolitics. As a result, the framework of concepts and categories of the theory of geostrategy is shaped. Thus, the following concepts are consistently and closely analyzed: strategic uncertainty, strategic clarity, strategic culture, strategic autonomy and strategic leadership based on a strategic vision of the horizons of strategic development and strategic security. The author’s geostrategy matrix overlaps the analysis of the fifth-generation political leader Xi Jinping. The conclusions are essential not only for the development of the People’s Republic of China but also primarily for the formation and institutionalization of the Institute of the Presidency, as well as the basic provisions of the building of the strategic architecture of the geostrategy of the modern Ukrainian state.
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