The article analyzes the process of forming a methodological basis for scientific research of the formation and development of army aviation army fire support asset in military conflicts, as well as their application on the basis of methodological approaches and methods of scientific knowledge. Taking into account the multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature of the scientific phenomenon of our military-historical research, some components of which are at the intersection of other branches of science, the work structures a variety of methodological tools of scientific knowledge that allows to search for the necessary material, analyze it, generalize, classify and describe the results of the study. The author proposes an effective toolkit for scientific research of the selected problem in order to ensure an appropriate level of its methodological cognition. The work, being complex in nature, involves a study of the process of creation and development of army aviation army fire support asset by using the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, unity of historical and logical, comprehensiveness, systematicity, specificity, terminology and historiographic tradition. These principles of scientific cognition ensure the most accurate reproduction of the events that had the greatest impact on the subject of research. The author recognizes the problematic and chronological approach and structural and diachronic analysis as the main ones. In particular, the structure of the study of the selected problem is proposed to be built on the problematic principle, and the material should be presented in chronological order. The use of structural and diachronic analysis allows us to clearly reflect the specifics of the study, to highlight qualitative changes in the development of army aviation army fire support asset, and to reveal its content at certain historical stages. The results of the structural-diachronic approach significantly complement the methods proposed in the study.
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