Keywords: charity, entrepreneur, benefactor, philanthropist, Kharkiv


In this article, based on an overview of scientific literature and periodicals, the motives, means and directions of private and public charity of representatives of the Ukrainian liberal intelligentsia and socially oriented entrepreneurs in the 19th century are revealed, definitions of the terms“charity”, “philanthropy”, “patronage” are given. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The article relies mainly on comparative-typological and historical-cultural approaches, as well as on elements of the retrospective method of historical regional investigation. The results of the research made it possible to conclude that the tradition of charity was formed in Ukrainian society a long time ago and had a state-church character. The Church as a center of Christian morality has become a driving force in the spread of purposeful care for the weak and disadvantaged. Since the end of the 18th century, charity has gradually become more intense, which is connected with the social and economic transformations taking place in society. It was established that the main directions of private and public charity were the creation and construction of orphanages, the opening of schools, gymnasiums for low-income groups of the population, the creation of hospitals, assistance to socially vulnerable population groups during epidemics and famine, the foundation for the financing of various vocational and commercial educational institutions and student support, organization of special trusteeships, committees, societies and foundations. Attention is focused on the fact that during the 19th century, despite traditional motivations, such as personal ambitions, donations to perpetuate the memory of a beloved wife, child, father, religious beliefs, thoughts about providing assistance to the needy, promotion of education, health care becomes a high priority, the development of a network of institutions for the care of workers’ children. Due to the emergence of a new group of socially oriented entrepreneurs, Kharkiv’s public charity in the specified period was transformed and had an innovative view and it was manifested in new organizational forms. It could be summorized that the lessons of the past relative to the principles of behavior of contemporaries. Reasons of charity for community are ideological, moral and social, that increased in times of economic crises, epidemics and wars.


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How to Cite
Balycheva, L. (2023). CHARITY IN KHARKIV IN THE 19TH CENTURY. Litopys Volyni, (28), 56-61.
History of Ukraine