Keywords: Roma (Gypsies), genocide, collaboration, Holocaust, Second World War, Volyn


During the Second World War, Volyn was the scene of brutal violence and fierce confrontation between different groups. The victims in many cases were civilians. While the fate of many groups attracts the attention of historians and is the subject of heated public debate, the fate of Roma, a small minority, remains in the shadows. Meanwhile, this group suffered almost total extermination during the war, and the persecution of this minority bore the hallmarks of genocide. In order to cover the formation of the anti-Roma policy and the fate of those declared an “undesirable elements,” the author explores a combination of factors that played a role: (1) the heterogeneity of Roma as a group led to sometimes unequal treatment during the war, because the factor of “nomadic” or “sedentary” way of life of Roma was important at least for a part of the occupation administration; (2) the duties of the various branches of the occupation authorities, such as the German civil administration and the SS police, who initially involved different approaches to the “Gypsy question,” but soon were agreed upon and unified due to the primacy of the SS-police in solving “security issues”; (3) the lack of clarity and completeness of the instructions on the “Gypsy question” from Berlin was compensated by the initiatives of local authorities, which handled this issue according to their own needs and local conditions; (4) the attitudes of the local population, both its civilian part and that one which participated in the occupation administrative and police apparatus, greatly improved the mechanism of persecution, helping the occupiers to “solve” effectively the “Gypsy question”; however, the significant closeness of at least part of the Roma community to the local population determined the extensive help to Roma in some places; (5) the position of independent collective military and political actors (Ukrainian and Soviet partisan movements), which enabled the rescue of a certain parts of the Roma community. The issue is explored in the context of the developments in Volyn during the war and the escalation of violence in the region, including most tragic episodes, such as the “final solution of the Jewish question” and the Volhynian massacre.


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How to Cite
Tyaglyy, M. (2023). A “LITTLE” TRAGEDY ON THE MARGINS OF “BIG HISTORIES”: THE ROMANI GENOCIDE IN VOLHYNIA, 1941–1944. Litopys Volyni, (28), 34-55. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2023.28.05
History of Volyn