The article examines the basic problems of corruption in the healthcare sector. The peculiarities of the Ukrainian legal framework for the implementation of state anti-corruption policy in the field of health care in medical activities have been studied. Mechanisms for improving the state anti-corruption policy in the field of health care in medical activities are proposed. The article considers the relationship between the principles of the welfare state and the basics of corruption motives of both health professionals and patients. It is proposed to improve the system of the register of corrupt officials by creating an analogue for the health care system and expanding the functionality of the register and adding the function of posting information about persons suspected of corruption and low tolerance for corruption according to patients. The possibility of introducing an assessment of the level of tolerance to corruption of medical workers on the Helsi platform, on which most family doctors and other doctors in Ukraine today have active profiles, was considered. The article examines the features of anti-corruption risk testing in the system of health care facilities. The paper analyzes the main trends in the implementation of state anti-corruption policy in the field of health care in medical activities in Ukraine. It was found that 90% of all detected corruption offenses in recent years were detected by anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies in the field of health care with the direct participation of doctors and other health professionals. The role of public activists in identifying violations of anti-corruption legislation in the field of health care in medical activities is analyzed. The article considers the actions of international donors in the field of training qualified personnel for anti-corruption activities in the field of civil control and professional anti-corruption activities. The article discusses the specific skills that need to be acquired by those who plan to carry out anti-corruption activities in the field of health care.
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