Keywords: land, land resources, land relations, public administration, public policy, united territorial communities.


The article considers theoretical issues of the concept and content of land resources in the field of public administration. It is emphasized that the analysis and assessment of the current situation with land resources is evidence not only of its extreme relevance, especially in light of recent changes in domestic land policy, but also long-term disregard for the importance of land management. It is generally proved that the organization of rational use of land resources, as well as other natural resources, is the most important geopolitical and socio-economic factor that ensures stable and effective development of all sectors of government and economy of any state, preserving its sovereignty, environmental protection and all together is the most important condition for improving the welfare of society in the country. The place of land resources in the system of administrative-political and socio-economic relations is substantiated. The essence of the concepts of “land resources” and “land resources management” is defined, which require a clear establishment of the essence and content in terms of reforming the sphere of management. The main types of land resources in a market economy have been studied, as various forms of land ownership and management are enshrined in law during this period. It is emphasized that with the existence of a modern system of land management in Ukraine there is a conflict of legislation, inconsistency of the land surveyor (permanent transfer of powers) and landowners (landowners are persons without relevant knowledge). Today, public administration reform stimulates research on land regulation and relations. It is clear that most of the tasks that arise with the change of land resources require the development of modern mechanisms of public administration that will meet the requirements and standards of the European Union. At the same time, the problem of forming effective approaches to the rational use of land resources in the context of reform needs to be addressed immediately in order to increase the efficiency of not only understanding the importance of land resources, but also their use.


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How to Cite
Andriyash, V., Hromadska, N., & Malikina, O. (2022). LAND RESOURSE MANAGEMENT: CONCEPTS, CONTENT AND FEATURES. Litopys Volyni, (27), 231-236.
Public administration