Keywords: geostrategy, Ukrainian state, Ukrainianness, national culture, anatomy of destructiveness, “where” concept, anti-Ukrainian doctrines, barbaric war, strategic architect, basic concepts of geostrategy, ideology of destructiveness, deinfrastructuring.


The barbarous war of the putin regime against the Ukrainian state is the result of several hundred years of Ukrainian resistance to the imperial ambitions of various Russian rulers at different times. Under the framework of the geostrategy of the modern Ukrainian state, the topical task arises: to shift away from the concept of heroic resistance and defense, and instead, win the war, thereby ending the permanent threat that will be immanent and ontological for as long as a relevant state and political system based on divinity, messianism, and destructive arbitrary interpretation of the concept of geopolitical space and territorial expansion exist. As part of geostrategy, the author proposes to develop original geostrategy relying on national values and not limiting to excerpting an “anti-russia” strategy or inscribing Ukraine’s development into fixed geopolitical clichés. Based on the author’s concept of geostrategy, modern applied political trends in political communication, which influence the formation of the geostrategy of modern Ukraine from the standpoint of Erich Fromm’s theory of destructiveness, are analyzed. Thus, one of the essential methods is shaping the original position on the basic concepts of geostrategy. In particular, there are three levels: theoretical, methodological, and operational. The article pursues the author’s main idea of clear differentiation between geopolitics and geostrategy. Consequently, the divergence of the interpretation of specific events during the putin’s regime war against the Ukrainian state is clearly illustrated through the compilation of the appropriate matrix. The theoretical model of the author’s concept “where” was presented. It contributed to separating the homogeneous semantic valence of the basic concepts of the structure and implementation of the ideology of the russian world, the distinctive feature of which is the use of the prefix “where”; the derivative of the corresponding terms was given. A scientific task was formulated, namely, to conduct an individual study of each of them for more complete rationalization of semantic constructions and understanding of the narrative scheme of the implementation of the concept amidst geostrategic discourse and communication space. The author proposes introducing the concept “deinfrastructuring”, which means the deliberate and purposeful cascade destruction of strategic infrastructure objects. Different parametric characteristics of the activities of the strategic architect and the destructor-manager are determined. The key postulates of the structure of the original geostrategy of the modern Ukrainian state are formulated.


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How to Cite
Lipkan, V. (2022). FEATURES OF ENSURING AND GUARANTEEING WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. Litopys Volyni, (27), 201-211. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.27.34
Political science