Keywords: efficiency, society, state, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, transformation, new generation.


The conditions in which the views of Prof. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn regarding the measurement of society’s efficiency and opportunities for its improvement. Factors that determine the effectiveness of any society are considered: values, political and economic system. B. Hawrylyshyn, analyzing the components of the social order: values, political governance, economic systems based on a set of efficiency criteria, the position of various states – nations in the past and present, determined the main options for the following changes and the likely paths of the countries in the future, taking into account the most important external and internal factors, essential features of this or that nation. Harmonious combinations of different systems are singled out. The most difficult component to change is values. While political and economic systems can be reformed relatively quickly, changing the value system often requires several generations. The main prerequisite for positive changes in the economy, political, social and economic spheres, he calls the coming to power at all levels of a new true elite, which would be more professional and patriotic, ready to work for society, and not only for their own interests. About the formation of such a true elite from the young generation of Ukrainians “with a healthy value system” who will build the future of Ukraine, B. Hawrylyshyn reflects in the book “I will remain a Ukrainian», informing about the purpose of his special “Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Charitable Fund”.


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How to Cite
Havrylyshyn, P., & Dereshchuk, T. (2022). THE SOCIETY EFFECTIVENESS IN THE VIEWS OF BOHDAN HAWRYLYSHYN. Litopys Volyni, (27), 190-195.
Political science