Keywords: liberalism, realism, European Union, USA, unity of Western world.


The historic victory of liberalism in the Cold War gave the United States the opportunity to rule the world on its own. Washington, clearly aware of the leading role it plays in the new world order, quickly drew Europe along with it and turned it into a permanent supporter of its ideological ambitions. Thus, the Western Hemisphere, created by the duality of the US and Europe, began the forceful implementation of the global principles of liberalism in the face of passive resistance from geopolitical actors and the absence of an alternative ideological approach. For the United States, which considers itself a defender of human rights, non-democratic countries in the Middle East were at the top of this list. The author believes that it was the democratic interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, followed by the “Arab spring”, that made the region ungovernable. Migration and other problems facing Europe have their roots in democratic experiments in the Middle East. The continuous rise of ultra-right sentiments, the activation of forces dissatisfied with Brussels, calls into question the unity of the Western world as a whole. The author suggests that the Brexit referendum was actually a sudden outburst of years of royal anger towards Brussels. The author also argues that the British choice of Brexit could have a domino effect and turn into an existential orientation, leading to a sudden collapse of the EU. At a time when the European Union was expanding to the East with all its might, the dismantling of the European Union from the West began, which, as was believed, ended the century of internal contradictions and conflicts. This process, which shook the continent, came as a big surprise to the initiators of the referendum, as it shook British society overnight. By leaving the future fate of the state in the hands of the people, without taking it seriously, the British elite faced an unimaginable sensation, which they did not take into account in advance.


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How to Cite
Alekperli, H. A. (2022). FORMATION OF THE GLOBAL WORLD ORDER AND LIBERALISM. Litopys Volyni, (27), 185-189.
Political science