Keywords: Moldavia, military-political relations, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Ottoman Empire, Chernivtsi, Khotyn fortress, Bukovyna lands.


The article analyzes military and political events in the Moldavian state, Moldavian-Polish, Moldavian-Turkish and Turkish-Polish relations in the context of the history of Bukovina lands. Chronologically, the work covers the 70s of the 17th century. The purpose of our investigation is to comprehensively cover, based on the analysis of sources and monographic literature, the military and political situation of the Bukovyna territories of Chernivtsi and Khotyn volosts during the Turkish-Polish war of 1672–1676. Realization of the goal of the study presupposes the solution of the following tasks: to highlight the activities of Moldavian hospodars in the context of the history of the North Moldavian lands; to investigate the military and political relations of Moldavia with Poland and Turkey in the context of the historical lands of modern Bukovina; to characterize the situation of Chernivtsi and Khotyn volosts during the Polish-Turkish war of 1672–1676 . It is proven that in the second half of the 17th century the rivalry between Turkey and Poland in Central-Eastern Europe intensified. At the same time, Moldavia continued to be a vassal dependency of the Ottoman Empire, and the situation of the Chernivtsi and Khotyn volosts became dependent on the constant interference of Polish and Turkish-Tatar troops in internal Moldavian affairs. Attention is paid to the fact that the Polish kings tried to keep Moldavia in their sphere of influence, often sending troops to the territories of Chernivtsi and Khotyn volosts bordering Poland, which destroyed and plundered them. It has been established that the Khotyn fortress continued to retain its strategic importance, and its role as an outpost on the Polish-Moldavian border grew significantly. It is ratified in the conclusion of the Bukovyna lands became the frontline of the struggle between the Ottoman Empire and the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth, as both countries sought to extend their power to Moldavia, and therefore the territory of Bukovyna, during 1672–1676 .


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How to Cite
Balukh, O. (2022). BUKOVYNA LANDS – THE THEATER OF THE TURKISH-POLISH WAR 1672–1676. Litopys Volyni, (27), 129-136. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.27.21
World history