Keywords: Ivan Cafedzhi, Ivan Amvrosio, Dmytro Inglezi, city mayors, Greeks of Odesa, local self-government, Greek communities.


In the article, on the example of the biographies of three mayors of Odesa in the first third of the 19th century, the process of integration of Greek foreign immigrants into the urban environment is analyzed. Information about the life and activities of Odesa merchants of Greek origin – Ivan Cafedzhi, Ivan Amvrosio, Dmytro Inglezi is presented, it is shown that they effectively participated in public, commercial, social, cultural and educational undertakings, thereby contributing to the growth of the city’s well-being. Even the paucity of information found about Ivan Kafedzhi indicates his involvement in the formation of the modern city as a member of the Commission (Committee) for the reconstruction of the Odesa harbor. Ivan Amvrosio made efforts to improve the city’s water supply, was involved in the affairs of the city hospital and participated in the fight against epidemics, contributed to the emergence of the Greek Commercial School, and to the formation of the Greek Philanthropic Society. Dmytro Inglezi was a member of the building committee, the commercial court, the commission of the city hospital, the commission for the establishment of the Odesa portofranco, etc., participated in anti-epidemic measures and was a member of charitable societies. The conducted analysis testifies to the efforts of the Greek merchants to join public service, public affairs and the formation of urban culture, which illustrates their integration into the new environment and contribution to the development of Odesa. The presented details of the life and activities of the representatives of the Greek community, who held the positions of city mayors, at the same time specify the formation of Odesa city self-government. It was concluded that favorable conditions for settlement in a new place, such as religious affinity, commercial specificity of the city, loyalty of the government and local authorities, contributed to the gradual integration and assimilation of Greek foreign immigrants in the new environment, but did not reduce their sense of identity.


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How to Cite
Uvarova, O. (2022). ODESA CITY MAYORS BY GREEK ORIGIN IN THE FIRST THIRD OF THE 19TH CENTURY: AN EXAMPLE OF THE INTEGRATION OF FOREIGN IMMIGRANTS TO THE URBAN SOCIETY. Litopys Volyni, (27), 110-115. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.27.18
History of Ukraine