Keywords: OUN, UIA, national liberation motion, armed fight.


October 14, 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA). Her heroic struggle, which lasted for ten years under the conditions of Nazi and later Bolshevik occupation, deserves the respect and gratitude of her descendants. In the modern conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the traditional greeting of the Ukrainian rebels “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes” sounds everywhere, both in the army and from the mouths of ordinary citizens. The anthem of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) – “We were born in difficult times...” became the anthem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thus, the sacrificial feat of Ukrainian patriots performed in the period of 1940s–1950s echoes in the hearts of Ukrainian citizens, provides impetus for struggle, and serves as an example of self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland. The proposed scientific investigation is designed to sharpen the attention of researchers on controversial issues of the history of the Ukrainian national liberation movement. To give an impetus to the scientific discussion and to form a single concept. Controversial issues of the history of the UIA – one of the most controversial issues related to the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement during the Second World War – remains the determination of the quantitative composition of the UPA armed units. It ranges from 30.000 to 200.000 soldiers during the period of greatest numerical growth in the spring of 1944. Such a large difference in indicators is determined by the method of calculations and the authors’ use of the source base that confirms their proposed concept. The subjective approach is, in most cases, dictated by political preferences. In the case of authors belonging to the OUN, there is an overestimation of numerical indicators, which are not documented. Modern Ukrainian historians substantiate their own calculations with documents, but the quantitative indicators differ significantly. The proposed scientific investigation is designed to clarify information about the numerical composition of the UIA, the origin of the name and the date of creation.


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How to Cite
Lenartovych, O. (2022). TO THE EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CREATION OF THE UPA. Litopys Volyni, (27), 63-67.
History of Ukraine