Keywords: Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn, Plast, scouts, Andrey Sheptytskyi, D. P. camps, Lisovy Chorty smokehouse, Regional Plast Council, Plast Development Fund.


The article highlights a part of the life of the Ukrainian scientist and famous philanthropist Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn (1926–2016), connected with the Plast scouting organization. Considering his unique biography, contribution to the development of Plast in Ukraine, practical activities in the form of his three-year leadership of the Regional Plast Council (2006–2008), founding of the Plast Development Fund, he became one of the most famous members of Plast throughout its history. The author emphasizes the study of Plast’s influence on the personality of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, highlights his meeting with the outstanding representative of Ukrainian church life, Andrey Sheptytskyi. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and archival sources, the author of the publication substantiates the opinion that B. Hawrylyshyn’s worldview and patriotism developed in the environment of the Ukrainian stratum youth both in Galicia and in the diaspora in Canada. The skills acquired in Plast, a patriotic worldview, especially the daily task of doing one good deed, the ability to be a leader gave impetus to their practical application throughout his subsequent life. At a more mature age, already retired, he devotes himself to Ukraine, in particular, he also helps the development of Plast in Ukraine. The achievements and failures of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn in the integration of Plast into the world scouting movement are noted.


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How to Cite
Havrylyshyn, P. (2022). BOHDAN HAWRYLYSHYN AND PLAST. Litopys Volyni, (27), 37-43.
History of Ukraine